
How do I change the workspace size(s)?

The data workspace size dictates how much data you can import. Note that increasing the number of signals in your workspace will decrease the (time or sample) length of your data channels. For example, if your data workspace size is 400MB, and you double the number of signals in your data channels, your data channel length will reduce by half.

To increase the data channel length, you may delete signals from your data channels, or increase your workspace size. For versions 7.1 and earlier, we recommend using the 64-bit software to ensure your workspace size can be increased significantly (for versions 7.2 and later, the software is a 64-bit installation only). To increase the workspace size, ensure the software is not sampling, navigate to the Workspaces page within the Options menu, and click on the ‘process data’ workspace and increase the size. To see the length of the data channel, scroll down the Workspaces page to see the items per data channel.

To apply the workspace size change, exit the project, and exit the software. Restarting the software will reset the workspace size to the chosen data workspace.

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