Simulation data may be ‘streamed’ into the APC software – from a data file. This is available for measured signals only (actuation and other signals, even if present in the data file, will not be streamed). The simulation data file streamer may be set up using the following steps:
- Navigate to the Streamer via the Edit menu, and choosing ‘Data File Streamer’ you require. For example, you may set up a different data file to stream in through each of the four data interfaces.
- Click on the green + sign to add data files to the streaming list
- Untick ‘overwrite ME signals specification’ if you do not wish to set up streaming for all measured signals present both in the APC project and in the data file.
- To configure these manually, you can set the channel code for each required signal to ‘A’ (for example, if the simulation data file is streaming in via the Interface A)
- Inspecting the measured signals page, any signals with ‘A’ as the first letter in the channel code will stream in from their equivalent signal in the datafile
- The user may change the sample rate of the simulation data file (speeding up streaming or slowing it down), and the current sample (moving back and forth within the simulation data file) from the Data Streamer page
Note the following:
Only signals with channel codes defined (e.g. A, for Interface A simulation data files) will stream data.
It is recommended that the user review and disable Python and Basic programs that may be placing results into the measured signals that are also being streamed from the simulation data file.